More than 800 Frankfort youth have been impacted by incarceration.

Kentucky’s incarceration rate is 40% higher than the national average.

We know

that incarceration and trauma impact our kids.

  • Developmental diversions and delays/learning disabilities
  • Trauma can alter how we think, feel and process information
  • Uncertainty/instability of a parent being gone
  • Stigma/embarrassment/shame of having a parent incarcerated
  • Financial difficulties with loss of income
  • Difficulty building attachments
  • Uncertainty about the justice system
  • Loss of family home/ “other” care
  • Hyper pursuit of acceptance
  • our approach

    Educate. Connect. Prevent.

    we believe...

    In protecting children and  youth from experiencing ongoing disadvantages due to the incarceration of their family members.

    In providing inspiration, encouragement, and support to each child and youth we encounter.

    In the power of redemption, restoration,  and resilience of children and families.

    In providing a comfort zone for our children and youth to fully express themselves without fear of judgement.

    we focus on...

    Relationships, positive connections and creating opportunities in order to break generational cycles.

    we learn from...

    The research is there. The numbers are surprising. We utilize these great resources and more when developing our model and programs.

    The Annie E. Casey Foundation (AECF®) is devoted to developing a brighter future for millions of children and young people with respect to their educational, economic, social and health outcomes. Their work focuses on strengthening families, building stronger communities and ensuring access to opportunity, because children, youth and young adults need all three to succeed. Learn more

    KYA advocates for policies that give children the best possible opportunities for a brighter future and are making Kentucky the best place in America to be young. Learn more

    “Parental incarceration is a shared sentence, impacting the health and well-being of kids in the short-term and across their lifetime,” said Dr. Terry Brooks, executive director of Kentucky Youth Advocates. “Children need their parents to care for them and work to meet their basic needs. Yet, at 15 percent, Kentucky has the second highest rate in the nation of kids who’ve been separated from their parent due to incarceration.” Read more

    Recognizing the importance of providing services to children of incarcerated parents. Read more.

    Children do not often figure in discussions of incarceration, but new research finds more than 5 million U.S. children have had at least one parent in prison at one time or another—about 3 times higher than earlier estimates that included only children with a parent currently incarcerated. This report uses the National Survey of Children’s Health to examine both the prevalence of parental incarceration and child outcomes associated with it. Read more.

    “A kid shouldn’t suffer the same sentence that their parents are suffering.” Read more.

    Kentucky’s high levels of drug abuse and incarceration have helped push the state to No. 1 in the nation in the rate of children living with a relative or close family friend instead of a biological parent. Read more

    Hailly T. N. Korman is a civil rights attorney and principal at Bellwether Education Partners, a Washington-based education consulting firm. She is the lead author of the Bellwether analysis described in this essay. Read more.

    Children of incarcerated parents face profound and complex threats to their emotional, physical, educational, and financial well-being. Read more

    we plan...

    We are committed and passionate about our mission.

  • Annual impact and finance reports
  • A strategic plan since 2020
  • Monthly oversight of finances
  • Monthly board meetings with a strong, efficient and committed group of professionals
  • A leadership team with more than 135 years of combined relevant experience
  • View our strategic plan

    The foundation ended 2023 with a staff of 17; four full-time grant funded positions, four part-time grant funded positions, three grant funded contract positions and six foundation funded contract positions. We look forward to the next five years and what they will bring!

    Download Here

    Our first strategic plan as a nonprofit organization.

    Download Here

    we partner with...