An important mission like ours takes intentional planning and financial support to accomplish. Most of our staff are currently employed through grant funded positions. Other grants we receive offer restricted funds for very specific needs. Our operational costs (the costs of doing business) is approximately $65,000 which is predominately not included in grants. We cover these expenses through fundraising, sponsorships and our sustainer program. Learn more.
Yes! Donations can be dropped off at our office at Thorn Hill Education Center, 700 Leslie Avenue or mailed to us.
We’d love to chat with you more! We need sponsors for events and programs. We also love working with people in the community on special projects and needs. Please email us at [email protected].
Oops, sorry about that! Please email us at [email protected].
Yes! We’d love to speak with your group and share more about what we’re doing. Please email us at [email protected].