From the President

From the President

As I worked on the 2020 Annual Report, in my initial seconds of reflection, I am speechless. In the next moment, I am bursting with tidings of joy and sheer gratitude. In October, we celebrated two years of inception! My constant prayer, as co-founder and president, has been that “the right people, at the right time” would show up to do the work of our mission. And that is exactly what has happened. 

Twenty-five individuals joined Dale and I on this journey. I could recite story upon story about how they connected with “our family”. Our board members come from all walks of life and backgrounds to create a diverse and robust board of directors. Law enforcement and felon; business owner and school teacher; social worker and caretaker; volunteer and youth- all have a seat at the table, co-leading the direction of the Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation.  Dale and I are truly thankful for each one of them.

The support we have received from the community and peer organizations is tremendous. YES Arts afforded the opportunity for our middle school youth to receive $400 YES Cards to participate in extracurricular activities.  Capital Court Authority and the Fraternal Order of Police made it possible for our elementary kids to participate in martial arts, dance, and gymnastics. Bluegrass Community and Technical College offered virtual admission workshops to our high schoolers. We closed the year with over 100 unique donors who made a financial contribution during our inaugural Bluegrass Community Foundation Good Giving Campaign. As a board, we are committed to honoring the blessings that have been given, to do the work that is before us. 

We earned the Gold Star of Transparency with GuideStar, a nationally recognized clearinghouse for nonprofits. We registered with the Bluegrass Community Foundation and became a Blueprint Partner with Kentucky Youth Advocates. During the fall, we approved our inaugural strategic plan, which includes a monitoring policy. Additional sub-committees were formed within our board.

2020 has provided the opportunity for us to build our infrastructure and to prepare for what is to come. We envision the Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation as a premiere non-profit serving children and youth throughout Kentucky. Our mission to serve children and youth impacted by incarceration is pure and steadfast. We are willing to do whatever it takes to break the cycle of generational incarceration and to provide a path of hope and a vision of a successful future for the families we serve.

Amy Nance Snow
WJRF Co-Founder and President