Tuesdays at the Table

Tuesdays at the Table

We are just one piece of a larger puzzle that exists in Frankfort to improve outcomes for youth, adults and families in all walks of life. We are all here to build a stronger community! While our focus is those […]

Scholarship Check In: Trinity

Scholarship Check In: Trinity

As we get ready to award our 2024 Adam Hyatt Memorial Scholarship, we wanted to check in with one of our past recipients to see how they were doing.  Trinity graduated from Western Hills High School in 2023 and is […]

The 2024 Interns

The 2024 Interns

Part of our 2024 vision included bringing interns on to assist with our programming needs. While we love a helping hand around the office, we wanted to integrate young adults into our programming and our work with Franklin County youth. […]

New Home for Wanda J

New Home for Wanda J

This Spring, the Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation will set up offices inside the Thorn Hill Education Center, a community center focused on adult education and community. The center has existed in Frankfort for decades, offering adult education, English language classes, […]

Program Spotlight: HSO

Program Spotlight: HSO

We know that there are more than 400 middle and high school students impacted by incarceration in Franklin County. The Facts.  Knowing these facts, we kicked off our High School Outreach (HSO) program in 2022 (with limited resources and staff) […]

Our January Jam

Our January Jam

January is known for new beginnings. Maybe it’s learning something new, starting a new project or the idea of a fresh start. We’ve used the first month of 2024 to learn, grow and advocate for our youth and families. Here’s […]

New Year. Same Goal.

New Year. Same Goal.

We ended our fifth year as a nonprofit with an impact we are proud of. 2023 was a growth year for us in so many ways. We hit some of our goals and exceeded others. We served hundreds of youth […]

Mentors Needed.

Mentors Needed.

What greater promise do we have than our children? If you have ever wondered what you can do to help your world, consider Amachi mentoring. Amachi is one-to-one mentoring that serves children who have incarcerated parents. Such children are six […]

We want your feedback…

We want your feedback…

We are always looking for ways to grow our impact. Please take a few moments to complete our community assessment so we can better learn how to serve children, youth and families impacted by incarceration. It’s short, sweet and anonymous.