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We’ve been busy this fall! Here’s a little update on what’s happening in the Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation right now:

We have a 27 member board! We’ve been meeting and making big plans for the future.
  • Americorps Vista Meagan Morrow has recruited 20+ volunteers and we’re always looking for more. Contact her at [email protected] to get involved!
  • Since August, we have received referrals for 31 children from Franklin County Regional Jail and an additional 43 referrals from schools and caregivers. We have a lot of work to do in our community!
  • We funded a KRUSH training for 15 educators in Franklin, Henry, Owen and Bullitt counties. KRUSH is a school-based K-12th grade curriculum for students with incarcerated family members.
  • Pilot KRUSH programs are currently being implemented in Frankfort Independent, Hearn Elementary and Elkhorn Middle. Soon, they will also be rolled out at Collins Lane Elementary and Elkhorn Elementary.
  • We provide ongoing video visitation for ten children/youth.
We took 11 youth to visit Paul Mitchell school. Paul Mitchell is going to offer a FULL scholarship to our youth who wish to enroll! We are working on providing more career visits for our juniors and seniors.
  • In partnership with Paul Sawyer Public Library, we have provided ACT prep for nine students.
  • Our first Amachi of Frankfort mentor has completed training! Amachi is a national-based mentoring program for children of the incarcerated. If you’re interested in being a mentor in Frankfort, email us at [email protected].
  • We provided sponsorships for 7 children to participate in martial arts and gymnastics. We are currently working on getting more sponsorships so we can get our kids involved in 2020! Learn more.
  • We continually provide programming at The Kings Center twice per month. Dale Robison and board members Abbigail Dunn and Kalissa Yates meet with three groups of children. Board member Dustin Bowman of the Frankfort Police Department worked with Kiwanis and the Fraternal Order of Police to provide new bicycles and a bike riding session with the FDP.
  • We hosted a Family Fellowship at Capital Bowl in October. During that event, 10 children/youth birthdays were celebrated and we got to spend quality time with our families!
Last month, Dale and Taylor Robinson met with 100+ students who are directly impacted by incarceration at Franklin County High School.
  • We hosted a thanksgiving visit at the Franklin County Regional Jail for seven families. Dale Robinson spoke with prisoners and we provided for and activities for the children in attendance.

Like what we’re doing in the Frankfort community? We’d love your support. If you’re wondering how you can help the Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation, here’s a few ideas to get you started:

  • Meet with Meagan to discuss opportunities to volunteer! Email [email protected] for more information. 
  • Provide a sponsorship for a child/youth to participate in an extracurricular activity. Learn more.
  • Donate! All donations through the end of the year will go towards getting our kids involved in extracurricular acuities and sports in 2020.