Did you know…

Did you know…

The Wanda Joyce board has been meeting virtually since Covid happened. We are looking forward to gathering again one day, but until then we are still making things happen! Here’s a few updates on things we’ve been working on behind-the-scenes this year.

  • Board continues to meet the second Saturday of each month, virtually.
  • Our 990 was filed in February with Harrod & Associates, PSC.
  • Our 2019 Annual Report was published.
  • We met with school KRUSH group leaders to plan an in-person summer camp, scheduled for July.  This idea was modified to a camp-in-a-box with virtual activities.  
  • Our annual Gala fundraiser event was rescheduled for April 17, 2021.
  • A presentation of our annual report was made to the City Commission, in March. 
  • 70+ educators state-wide attended our virtual KRUSH training in April.
  • Our March Family Fellowship and April Volunteer Appreciation events were cancelled due to Covid 19.
  • Awarded three students, $1000 Adam Hyatt Memorial Scholarship.

How can you be involved?

Meet with Meagan Morrow to discuss opportunities to volunteer and/or mentor: [email protected]

Provide a sponsorship for a child/youth to participate in an extracurricular activity.

Follow us on social media and share our mission with your friends.